God of surprises, break through the life of Grace Church and its people. Reveal to us new ways we can be faithful and fruitful, moving into the future you have in store.
Oh come, all ye ladies! Join in the fun of lunch on Thursday, December 19, at 11:00 a.m. at Jimmy’s Italian Cuisine, 824 E. Fifth St., Dayton! Nothing is planned except sharing good food, friendship, and conversation—hope to see you there!
The first meeting of 2025 of the “new” H.O.P.E. and Justice Ministries will be on Sunday, January 12, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Dayton Cooks! will provide a meal (donations welcome!), and there will be an online option if you can’t attend in person. Please join us on January 12 to pray, break bread, praise, and gather ideas about how to design a new H.O.P.E. and Justice Ministry. We’ll need a count for lunch, so RSVP to Roberta Longfellow at longfellowroberta@yahoo.com or call/text her at 937-654-6032 by Wednesday, January 8.
There’s been a delicious addition to the schedule for Christmas Eve at Grace! Chef Mike and his wife are offering an assortment of desserts at 7:00 p.m. in order to thank the church for its support of Dayton Cooks! After indulging, you can enter the sanctuary to enjoy a musical prelude at 7:30 p.m., followed by the candlelight worship service at 8:00 p.m. Please join us for this festive and meaningful way to celebrate the birth of Christ!