God of surprises, break through the life of Grace Church and its people. Reveal to us new ways we can be faithful and fruitful, moving into the future you have in store.
Celebrate with us! The Christ Child is coming! The candles on the Advent wreath will be lit, and there will be four of them, making a glorious light. Pastor Steve’s message will be “The Dreamer”, illustrated by the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. The adult class will continue to explore “Journey to Bethlehem” under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Amelia Boomershine at 9:15 a.m. in the Blue Room, and there will be coffee and goodies available at 10:00 a.m. in the Ladies’ Parlor. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us virtually HERE on the Grace Church Dayton channel of YouTube. See you Sunday!
The Grace UMC Leadership Team invites everyone in the Grace community to contribute toward a Love Gift for Grace staff members. Checks should be written to Grace UMC and have the notation “love gift for Grace staff”; donations made by other means should include the same information. Donations will be received through Sunday, December 29. Thank you for your help in making this tangible gesture of love to the folks who support us and the Kingdom.
In celebration of Christmas and New Year’s, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, through Friday, December 27, and on Wednesday, January 1. We wish everyone who staffs the office a very merry and very restful holiday season!