View this email in your browser FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2024 SUNDAY AT GRACE
Start your week off right by joining us for worship on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Pastor Steve will complete his sermon series Core Teachings of Jesus for Today with the theme “Loving Enemies”. We will celebrate Holy Communion along with Christians all over the globe, as it is World Communion Sunday. Gabrielle Flannery, our guest soloist, will provide beautiful music to lift our souls. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us virtually HERE on the Grace Church Dayton channel of YouTube. You won’t want to miss the upcoming sermon series, A Season of Creation, celebrating each season in turn. On Sunday, October 13 (Spring) there will be a Blessing of the Animals; all non-aggressive animals are welcome! And Sunday, October 20 (Summer), will be Hawaiian Shirt Day. What fun!
PASTOR’S STUDY HOUR Here’s something new! Pastor’s Study Hour launches on Monday, October 7, at 11:00 a.m. in the Blue Room. The topics of this weekly gathering will vary based on group interest but will have no homework or prep work. Any lesson in a series will always have a summary at the start of the hour so newcomers are able to jump in at any time. The first series is titled “Revelation for the Rest of Us.” “Some churches and their pastors tend to get obsessed about The Book of Revelation,” explained Pastor Steve. “They talk about it constantly, often explaining how the daily news is clearly referenced in its verses. Some churches just want to avoid it, intimidated with its strange symbols and visions. But what about the rest of us? This book, properly studied, can help us in our life of faith.” GRACE UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH All are invited to the Wednesday, October 9, meeting of Grace United Women in Faith. It will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Dayton International Peace Museum. We will meet at Grace UMC at 12:30 p.m. to carpool to the meeting at the Museum. Peace is critical in our world, and this gathering will provide a chance to see how Dayton is responding to the tensions in the world! Please come!DONATE TO GRACE Copyright (C) *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*. All rights reserved. *|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|**|LIST:DESCRIPTION|**|END:IF|*
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