The message to forgive and to love was loud and strong at Grace yesterday! During worship, the jauntily-clad gentleman pictured above, Larry Ramey, reminded us that we can help feed the hungry in our community by attending and helping with the Day of Caring Pancake Brunch on Sunday, February 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
In addition, the Sabbath Study group discussed the message of the crucifixion and a sermon from Dr. King, “Love in Action” in which forgiveness was the major theme. This class continues every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Amelia Boomershine. And Pastor Steve added the story of Joseph and his brothers, whom Joseph forgave, to the mix, using it to illustrate the ultimate will of God. These were words we need to hear! If you missed it and want to hear for yourself, click HERE for the Grace Church Dayton channel of YouTube.